Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 17 May 2009

For today......May 17, 2009

Outside my is night-time and cool.

I am good it is to have a break from school.

I am thankful for......the freedom to worship, the blessing of fellowship with my church body.

I am wearing......jeans, a red mock turtleneck and tennis shoes.

I am creating......plans for more focused spiritual training for our children.

I am anticipating.......a possible new opportunity to minister to at risk birth mothers and starting a cross-stitch sampler for J.

I am journal before I do our bedtime ritual.

I am reading.......Phil. 4, and a book by Kathy Herman.

I am hearing.......John Waller's "While I'm Waiting" (I just cannot get tired of this song.) and my family winding down from the day.

One of my favorite things.......rituals.

A few plans for this week: put away this year's school materials, finish cleaning our bedroom, continue learning the music and motions for this year's VBS.

The creator of this project is Come join the fun!

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