Monday, July 20, 2009

Finding My Footing

In my continued struggles with control (over my life, our children's lives and my daily schedule), God has revealed two things to me.

1. The single most important item on my daily agenda is intentional time spent with God in prayer, Bible study and listening to Him. Personal Holy Communion. The end.

2. The single most important act (of mine) as a wife, mother, teacher, daughter, and friend is to be so in tune with the Holy Spirit and so aware of God's character, that it not only keeps me moving in the direction of my Father's will, but also that it transforms my response to all people and every situation. The end.

I cannot express how deeply relieving this is to me. It lets so much else that tends to clutter up my mind and my to do list to fall away. Released. Centered. Blessed.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Love the pics and update. Is that my little buddy you're holding in the time of placement? Precious.
:) Vicki