Tuesday, October 26, 2010

201.  freshly sharpened pencils
202.  drinking in the Words of God
203.  neatly written school work
204.  cool, blustery days
205.  a baby nestled in the crook of my arm
206.  library cards
207.  fellowship of friends
208.  brilliant blue skies
209.  breathtaking cloud formations
210.  respite
211.  my children reading aloud
212.  reading stories to my children
213.  my husband reading the Pooh stories
214.  grace from my husband
215.  my husband graciously changing diapers in the night
216.  my children enjoying crafts
217.  creating
218.  organizing
219.  our Keeper's group
220.  book club
221.  the community of bloggers

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Monday, October 25, 2010

happy, happy birthday

We celebrated the births of these two precious children this month!  Time is passing by so quickly - it seems like every time I turn around, it is someone's birthday or Christmas!  E, our oldest, turned 11 and J, our only son, turned 8.  We all enjoyed a trip to the fair as part of the birthday celebrations!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


For today....Saturday, October 23, 2010
Outside....it is perfectly breezy and such a pleasant temperature.  I've had the window open all day!
I am wearing.....a green knit shirt, capris and flip-flops.
I am hearing....my different windchimes, chiming.
I am thinking.....how deeply blessed that I am.
I am reading......Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah and Like Dandelion Dust by Karen Kingsbury.
I am creating.....beautiful spaces in our home, scrapbook pages, our monthly meal plan
God has shown me recently.....that being a good parent is less about trying harder and more about being transformed by reflecting on the character of God, all the grace He has shown me and the fleeting-ness of childhood.
From the learning rooms......continued studies in grammar, math, reading....
A few plans for this week......Keeper's meeting, church, grocery shopping, prepping meats for this month, schooling, lots of reading (both personally and with the kids)

Just click on the picture above to join the fun!

Monday, October 18, 2010

182.  quiet moments
183.  boisterous moments
184.  the weight of a newborn baby (or two) in my arms
185.  kind words
186.  patient words
187.  a new printer cartridge
188.  a working printer
189.  the wind in the trees
190.  open windows
191.  rearranged spaces
192.  favorite movies
193.  new movies watched together
194.  a new day
195.  school work completed
196.  new concepts to be taught
197.  reading blogs
198.  our new homeschool group
199.  children wanting to be near
200.  aired up tires

Saturday, October 9, 2010

on my heart...

....birthmothers who voluntarily relinquish their parental rights to their children in a timely fashion.  So many times when we are out and about with our foster babies, the question gets asked - "How could any mother give up her own child?". 

The mother of our current foster babies just signed away her parental rights.  And she is unequivacably devasted.  She is now bereft of the sight, touch and knowledge of the futures of the children of her own womb.   Why?  How could she?  I beg to propose she did it BECAUSE SHE WANTED MORE FOR THEM THAN SHE COULD GIVE AT THIS TIME.  I also propose that it was by the grace of God and from the great stores of her own mother love that she had the strength to go through with it. 

She has chosen rather to bear the horrid personal sacrifice of not having them in her life, in order to offer them life more abundant. 

I beg your compassion and support for all who have so chosen for their children.  I beg your prayers for like birthmothers and birthfathers everywhere, for personal healing and for life more abundant.